Types of Business Communication | BBS second year English note Unit: 2

Types of business communication is from the bbs second year new course. TU has made the new English course book effective from 2078.

Types of Business Communication

Business communication can be divided into five main categories according to the relationship between the business communicator and his or her intended audience. These five types of business communication are defined as intrapersonal, interpersonal, intra organizational, inter organizational, and intercultural communication. Let’s take a closer look at what each of these categories entail and how they differ from one another based on the type of communication that takes place between those involved in the exchange of information and ideas.

(First Learn the difference between ‘intra’ and ‘inter’→ the intra- means "within", while inter- means "between". For example, intranational refers to things that happen within a single country, while international refers to things happening between two or more countries.)

1) Intrapersonal Communication

This type of communication takes place when an individual communicates with oneself, typically through one’s own thoughts and feelings. Intrapersonal communication is often a means to prepare for other types of communications, but it also can be used on its own as a way to relieve stress. Someone who feels overwhelmed might take time to sit down and write out his thoughts in a journal, allowing him to gain some distance from his problems. It can also be an effective strategy for thinking through an issue or problem from different angles.

2) Interpersonal Communication

This is your friendly small talk, your casual discussions, and any other kind of communication you have when dealing with a single person at a time. To be interpersonal communication, it has to have humane and personal elements in it. In other words, interpersonal communication primarily involves emotions and personal talks. For example, you talk with a waiter at a restaurant to order food then it is not an interpersonal communication. At the same time if you talk about his/her personal life like family, health income then it is interpersonal communication.

3) Intra Organizational Communication

This type of communication takes place between individuals. This communication is internal and happens between individuals who share some kind of bond, such as colleagues, bosses and employees. This can be in written or verbal form.  Face-to-face communication, presentation, meetings, briefings, emails, letters, memos, notices, circulars, SMS etc are some examples of intra organizational communication. In short, intra-organizational communication means communication within the organization.

 4) Inter Organizational Communication

Inter organizational communication is also known as external communication or public relations. This communication takes place when a company talks to its customers, suppliers, stakeholders and other outside entities. The importance of this form of communication and has been increasing since globalization made it easier for businesses to interact with people from all over.

5) Intercultural Communication

As technology and globalisation have expanded our world, we’ve become more used to communicating with people from around the globe. This is a fantastic way to expand your customer base, reach out to new investors and make a lasting impression on new contacts. In short, intercultural communication refers to the communication between people from two different cultures.

Types of Business Communication

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